Tenant Referencing Made Easy


Van Mildert Tenant Referencing

Acquaint integrates with leading providers Van Mildert to offer advanced, online and real-time Tenant Referencing services, Rent Guarantees and Tenant's insurance.  Online Referencing will enable you to get the results you need faster and more accurately, enabling you to minimise risk and maximise landlord satisfaction.

We provide the Acquaint integration free of charge. Contact Van Mildert to set up a one month free trial account* on 0191 256 0920 or sales@vanmildert.net 

How does it work?

Add a Pre-Tenancy in Acquaint then simply click Yes to instantly order an Online Tenant Reference or from the References screen simply click the Online Ref button.

You can order references without having to type anything onto their ordering form. It literally takes 2 to 3 seconds.

Then when you want to know what's going on with it, one more click (no logging in required) and the tracking page comes up within Acquaint.

A Home Page Reminder helps you manage pending references.

Watch our demo here

In a nutshell, Online Referencing enables you to: 

• Automate the process, freeing up your time
• Reduce Assessment periods
• Use paperless applications, submitted 24/7
• Promote your brand and logo in all communications
• Guarantee fast turnaround times
• FREE TRIAL for new customers 

Already using Van Mildert? Then start benefiting today, simply add your account settings in Acquaint via File -> Configuration ->Site/Branch -> Bespoke /3rd Party Links -> Online Reference

* Trial account applies to new Van Mildert clients only.  

Date Added 11/07/2016